Archive for May, 2017

Drawing, Painting and Making Time for Art

May 23, 2017

“Tulips and Birds”, 8 x 10″, watercolor and gouache on cold pressed cotton paper

I’m discovering that I can fit my art into life better these days if I tell myself I will draw every day and then take my favorite sketch straight to an 8 x 10″ watercolor page.

Here’s what Edgar Degas said,

“Drawing is the artist’s most direct and spontaneous expression, a species of writing: it reveals, better than does painting, his true personality.”

I do believe that’s true for me, and for now, watercolor painting seems to keep me closer to my original energy the drawing expressed. It’s also faster than creating a large oil, and there’s a lot to be said for working within a time limit of a day or two.

“Sunny Energy with Bird”, 8 x 10″ watercolor and gouache.

Once I get my simple little sketch, I get excited to translate it to color. The 8 x 10″ page is not too intimidating right now, and I’m allowing myself to be open to the color palette as it develops before me.

Cezanne said, “Drawing and color are not separate at all; in so far as you paint, you draw. The more the color harmonizes, the more exact the drawing becomes.” If my drawing is simple enough, (really simple!), I must let it develop with the use of color, or it will not be interesting, in terms of design.

So I add a few more elements here and there as the painting emerges. This process seems to be working for me at this time in a busy life. That makes me happy!

You can see these 2 paintings in greater detail on my Etsy shop at:

Thanks for reading,
