Archive for January, 2010

Sisters Choice

January 22, 2010

Sisters are wonderful, and mine are the best! Here we are in glorious black and white, just like the Sisters Choice block pattern: Les, Karen and Deb, the Gillis girls.

The Chamisa palette I discovered in yesterday’s blog offers 17 hues, which gives the quilter a nice range to consider when designing. The traditional Sisters Choice block can use about six or seven hues, so I created four different block treatments, after observing the original black/white/gray version for value placement. I placed the blocks on a colored background which hints at the final sashing choices possible. Liberties were taken in the green version as I planted a more intense april green among the colors. Tweaking is allowed when the palette gets a boost for the better!

The next step? That’s the really fun part, finding fabric to drop into the plans. I am finding myself intrigued by the first color plan here. It is a little bolder in terms of contrast and intensity. That pretty much describes the sisters too!

Do you have a favorite among these four?