A Moment of True Happiness

"But Love is not small at all, said the Little Bird...", Mixed media, 5 x 7", Karen Gillis Taylor, 2014

“But Love is not small at all, said the Little Bird…”, Mixed media, 5 x 7″, Karen Gillis Taylor, 2014

“All the miles of a hard road are worth a moment of true happiness.”
Arnold Lobel, Fables

When I read this quote from Arnold Lobel, I was taken back to my days of childhood stories that were often filled with trouble, adventure and even danger, and yet most often had a happy ending when the hero or heroine persevered to the final reward of their efforts. I have a book of children’s poems illustrated by Arnold Lobel. He is one of my favorite illustrators and the creator of the Frog and Toad books.

One book I treasure is called the Random House Book of Poetry for Children by Jack Prelusky and illustrated by Arnold Lobel. This book of children’s poetry is about simple joys and experiences. What do you think about the Wind? The Sun? Small adventures in a child’s life are big to the child. And yet children seem to be ready to take these things in stride and move on to the next thing, as long as they can feel that sense of security that allows them to do so. The happy ending is what we all want.

My first job in art was as a children’s illustrator. (I created art for preschool children and later for 5th graders, making Sunday School curriculum activities and books.) I love children’s books and collect them to this day. I love the ones that provide fun, joy, color, inspiration and a love of imagination. That’s what got me started in art!

I think children are simply born for embracing moments of happiness. Can we help our kids keep that sense of wonder in our world we once held as children? We want to provide that for them always, but school, friends, teachers, difficulties, and life happens. They don’t always fit in.

Only Love can envelope us in that sense of security that enables us to embrace the world that gives back happiness. We need full bellies of food, a warm shelter, and smiling friends, God’s Love encouraging us. How do we give that to others when one or more of those things are lacking in their lives? And how important is Love in that set of things we wish to provide?

“Love is not small at all. It is more important than anything, and the rest will provide life to us.” We all need Love. Let’s keep sharing it.










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2 Responses to “A Moment of True Happiness”

  1. Leslie Ann Clark Says:

    I love this little birdie!


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