An Incurable Romantic Paints Flowers From Imagination

"This One For Love", Acrylic, 11 x 14", Karen Gillis Taylor, 2014

“This One For Love”, Acrylic, 11 x 14″, Karen Gillis Taylor, 2014. Click for larger view.

There’s a phrase about being “an Incurable Romantic.” Love, idealism, finding the best in people I can treasure…making wonderful memories with a loved one. I’m completely devoted to all these ideas. Add in some beautiful poetry. Commit to my journal, and make a card for my love or a friend. That’s me.

Flowers bring that idea out in me. When you paint flowers (especially from imagination like I enjoy), you get to choose the flowers, the shapes, the colors and the entire arrangement to define beauty for this moment in your life.

Romance and flowers go together. When we go into the garden to raise our flowers, we continually bless that caring process with our own kind of love. Farmers must do this a lot. They treasure their land and how it provides for their family, and then they do their hard work and the land gives back to them, and they give to their family. Sustenance. That kind of a chosen life, to me, is born out of a love relationship.

Maybe I am remembering the farm families in my own heritage from grandparents living in the Midwest of Illinois. Those were special times in their day, as I saw it. I wanted to quit college and go back to Illinois and learn how to live off the land. Then my grandpa told me it was a hard life to be a farmer. Now I was grounded again, the romantic who learned there is a hard side of life. So I kept going with my art studies.

That is why we need beauty and art in our lives!

I love when we give flowers to our loved ones, sometimes on special occasions. That is just one of many gestures we can give when it comes to growing gardens, or painting them. I enjoy doing both.

When people express their “passion” word, in life, it’s not given lightly for me. Growing beautiful plants, painting them and giving them to people we know are special, is truly one of the joys of life. And I’m always looking for joy in life.

I really like this painting I made, which I’m calling “This One for Love.” I paint from imagination, and some of my artist influences from my past studies include, Chagall, Dufy and Kandinsky. Can you guess which artist might be connected with my own mind as I explore this painting today?

Want to guess?

Thanks for reading,


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5 Responses to “An Incurable Romantic Paints Flowers From Imagination”

  1. Martine Paquet Says:

    Beautiful bouquet!


  2. Leslie Ann Clark Says:

    Karen, I love this one too! … but then, it is loaded with blues! My fav!~


  3. Judy Broughton Says:
    Ah, I love this one , totally inspired by Dufy !


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